Job Titles in Software Testing

A lot of people who began their Software Testing journey are reaching the level when they want to find their first job in the industry or change the current. They want to gain more knowledge about Software Testing and improve themselves. Maybe you are currently at this moment of your journey. I was, and I…

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Selenium WebDriver

In this tutorial, we will focus on Automation Testing.This what I will present in this post will be testing in Selenium. What is Selenium? Selenium is a portable framework that we can use for test web applications. When we will visit the official Selenium website, we can see that we have 3 types of Selenium:…

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Test Techniques

When we’re performing the Software Testing we need to make sure that the tested software is working as expected.Once we’ve prepared the test plan, test script, etc., we need also to think about the tools which we want to use to get better results of the test process.How we can do that?We can use the…

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Lessons Learned in Software Testing

In my last post, I mentioned the Lessons Learned in Software Testing written by Cem Kaner, James Bach and Bret Pettichord. I will write about it more in this post. Why this book? When I read the book about Exploratory testing techniques and routines to make you a better Tester, I felt that something important is…

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My Software Testing journey

Some time ago, I’ve got an email message with a question about how did I start my Software Testing journey. I thought it would be a really good idea if I will share my Software Testing journey with you. First of all, I don’t have a Computer Science Degree, I haven’t worked in the IT…

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API Testing using Postman

Two posts ago we’ve told something about JMeter, we’ve installed JMeter and conducted a simple performance test. In this post, we will jump to API Testing using Postman but from the beginning. What is API? API is the acronym for Application Programming Interface. It is a software intermediary that allows two applications to talk to…

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33 Routines to make you a better tester

Sometimes we’re looking for information about the best testing practices, to use them work alone or in the team. We are deciding to look for information in websites, YouTube and in books.Some time ago I was interested in this subject, and that’s why I started to look for the information online, so I found The…

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Something about JMeter

This post will be something different than the previous, because in this post we will learn something about JMeter basics. We will focus on the topics below: What is JMeter? What can we do with JMeter? How are the JMeter features? How to use JMeter? JMeter Installation JMeter panel Example and components explanation What is…

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Review Types

In the last post, we’ve got the information mainly about Static Testing. We’ve also compared the Static and Dynamic Testing and we’ve seen how are the phases of Review. In this post we will get the information about the Review Types. First of all, reviews can be executed for various purposes, one of the main…

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Static testing vs dynamic testing

Static testing vs dynamic testing – what are the difference and why you should know about them? In this post, we’ll focus on static testing and its advantages. When we’re testing the software, we want to ensure it will be tested properly.We want to choose appropriate testing methods. When the software is developed it’s most…

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